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Organic Formations Spirit Matter Mixed Themes Early Images
Below are samples of some of the images that emerged in the first years that I began doing this sort of work. As I worked, the images formed themselves moment by moment without any planning. One color or mark led to another and progressed until a coherent whole was formed. I started only with a little bit of faith, an inner attunement and the impulse to create contrast between colors, between dark and light and to suggest depth. The specific forms emerged only as a way to support the process rather than as an end in themselves. I feel that this process and the resulting images reflect the universal process of how life and matter come into being; moment by moment, form by form, as all existence continues to arise, merge, transform, dissolve and reform in a great cosmic dance.

"Cord": Acrylic, 24"x24"

Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

Acrylic, 9"x12"

Aqua Oil, 12" diameter

Acrylic, 16" diameter

Aqua Oil, 20" diameter

Acrylic, 16" diameter

Heat: Oil on Canvas, 30" diameter

"Incarnation (Inverted)": Digital work

Digital work

"Immersion (Inverted)": Digital work

"Vertical Fairies (Inverted)": Digital work

"Incarnation": Colored Pencil, 14x11

Colored Pencil, 14"x11"

"Immersion": Colored Pencil 11x14

"Vertical Fairies": Colored Pencil 11x14

Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

"Blue": Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

"Under The Surface": Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

"Petals": Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

"Inside The Black": Oil Stick on Paper, 11"x14"

"Anguilla", Colored Pencil, 8"x10"

"Oyster": Colored Pencil,11"x14"

"Chain": Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

"Magenta": Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

"Magenta?": Digital work

"Hearts": Colored Pencil, 6"x8"

"Sun Spiral": Colored Pencil, 8"x10"

Oil on Canvas, 6"x8" Oval

Oil on Canvas, 12"x12"

"Somatopisis": Oil Pastel, 18"x24"

Oil on Canvas, 8"x10"

"Pearls": Aqua Oil, 20"x20"

Colored Pencil, 14"x11"

Acrylic, 5" diameter

Colored Pencil, 11"x14"

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